Watch how Miltenyi Biotec uses MARMIND to handle its marketing measures across teams and countries 💫 Learn more

Budget & Spend Management

Take control of your marketing spend and manage budgets effectively

Top-Down Budgeting

Create top-down budgets, see your remaining budget at a glance, and set spending limits across departments to ensure your money is spent in the right places.

Bottom-Up Cost Forecast

Stop managing multiple spreadsheets and effectively track costs across spend types, regions, and organizational units.

Budget & Spending Forecasts

Automatically calculate planned, committed, and actual costs and generate automated forecasts. Rely on MARMIND to tell you if you are overspending or underspending.  

Purchase Order & Invoice Management

Automate the integration of purchase orders, accruals, and actuals based on ERP master data to achieve a seamless process linking marketing and finance.

Scenario Planning

Create budget and forecast scenarios and freeze assumptions to be able to go back to them later. Simulate scenarios and track changes effectively.

One Central Platform to Manage Marketing Budgets and Spend

Spend less time on spreadsheets and use a central platform to manage your marketing budgets. Standardize and streamline your budgeting process and track spending across your organization easily.

Eliminate Spreadsheets From Your Marketing Budget

Watch our video to find out how MARMIND helps you stay on top of marketing budgets and spend. 👉

Want to find out if MARMIND is the right solution for you and your marketing team? Book a demo!

Budgeting software for marketers

Budgeting Made Easy

Stop wasting time on error-prone spreadsheets and keep on top of your marketing budget with our all-in-one platform. Create, manage, and plan budgets and break them down into allocations for campaigns, channels, and much more.

Automate Forecasts

Generate automated forecasts to see trends at a glance and find out if you’re overspending or underspending. View estimates vs. actuals and let MARMIND calculate remaining budgets for you. Understand where your marketing budget is spent without having to manually piece together spreadsheets.

Forecasting software for marketers
Software to manage global marketing budgets and spend

Manage Global Budgets and Spend

Create multiple budget planning areas to consolidate and collaborate on marketing budgets across your organization. Use different currencies, budget groups, and spend types and create custom workflows to improve your budgeting process.

MARMIND helps our marketing team complete projects much faster.

Frank Friese

MARMIND Subproject Manager, Deutsche Telekom

MARMIND solves the challenges that marketing departments are confronted with on a daily basis.

Brigitte Kommer

Marketing Manager, Sharp NEC Display Solutions Europe

MARMIND has helped our marketing arrive in the 21st century.

Paul Carruzzo

Head of EMEA Marketing Performance, Invesco

The MARMIND team really understands how enterprise marketing works.

Annika Schünemann

Brand Management and Marketing Control, WAGO

Marketing Budgets – A Modern Approach

Download our free ebook to learn what are the 5 key steps to creating your effective marketing budget and how you can best take advantage of them.