Release Highlights, May 2022: New Snippets, Filtering Annotations & Bug Fixes

Release Highlights, May 2022:

New Snippets, Filtering Annotations & Bug Fixes

This is our monthly update that highlights recent product improvements we’ve made so you can easily stay up to date on what’s new.

All of this should improve your MARMIND experience as much as possible and help you stay on top of your marketing processes.

GENERAL - Snippets for text fields

From now on, snippets can be predefined and used for all formatable text fields (richtext). Snippets are text modules that can be created and managed by administrators in the settings, including font, format and images.

This can be found as follows: Settings -> Collaboration & Communication -> Snippets

Restrictions to different application areas or objects are also possible here. The use of snippets for frequently used phrases is particularly recommended.

PLAN - Bugfix: Tooltip display of calendar data in the marketing plan

The display of the mouseover respectively tooltips information of “work calendar and important days” dates has been optimized now to indicate all dates correctly. 

MEDIA ASSETS - Filtering annotations and comments

The filtering of annotations and comments in assets has been optimized and extended.

It is now possible to filter for open and closed annotations, comments and markings. The display in the preview as well as the associated comments are filtered and displayed according to the selection.

TO-DOS - Enhancement of "due date" filter

The “Due date” filter has been enhanced a “Next 14 days” option. 

As with the other due date filters, overdue to-dos are also displayed, as they are not yet completed and could possibly influence the progress of future to-dos. 


GRID - New column "Tag-category"

In the grid there is now the new column “Tag-category” available. It cannot be edited and is used to inform which tag-categories are used on a specific element. 

REPORTS - Enhancement of Report - Overview Statistics

In addition to the root folder, the report can also be accessed at workspace and campaign level. 

The following filter options have been added: 

  • Time filter (from & to) related to the campaign runtime
  • Include or exclude archived campaigns

An additional table provides insights into the asset status as well as the last workflow events. 

Good to know

We are constantly working on improving our product to make it even better for you.

Some things you might want to know on the fly can be found in our constantly updated tutorial videos.


Picture of Peter Fechter

Peter Fechter

Peter is Digital Marketing Manager at MARMIND and is mainly responsible for website and lead management. When he's not busy creating content, he is developing new strategic approaches for campaign planning.