Release Highlights February 2025

This is our monthly update that highlights recent product improvements we’ve made so you can easily stay up to date on what’s new. All of this should improve your MARMIND experience as much as possible and help you stay on top of your marketing processes.

TO-DO: Improved Use of Checklist Notifications

We have made an improvement within the to-do checklists: namely, the use of the to-do checklists in relevance to context restrictions has been improved. Now, instead of a blank space, there is a clear indication if to-do checklists are not available for a specific context.  

TO-DO: Automatic Tag Update for Changes to ‘Belongs to’ in a New To-Do Dialog

To ensure that you can always work with the right set of tags within your To-Do, they are now automatically updated when the ‘Belongs-To’ field is altered in the ‘New To-Do’ dialog. This improves efficiency and accuracy, allowing you to move through the process quicker. 

WORKFLOWS: “Lock Entity” Function

The “Lock Entity” workflow function is now available. This update allows you to lock and unlock forms/fields within your workflow paths and could be slotted into different parts of your workflow. For example, if you have a Marketing campaign and the brief has been approved it can be locked. Then you have the option of having the lock system set the status to approved, send the brief to your agency, or simply freeze the briefing, so changes are limited. With this, you can extend existing workflow approval to all three levels. 

Good to know

We are constantly working on improving our product to make it even better for you. Some things you might want to know on the fly can be found in our tutorial videos.